Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Link Game

I'm back and I just thought of a fun game for you to play right now! I call it, "The Link Game"!

It's not much of a game as it's a link to cool sites! I'm just going to put different fun sites in multiple places and all you have to do to play is click! Why are you still reading this, CLICK...

Here Why not here



Here Here, maybe? Here


Here and for your parents, Here back to the kids, Here

and maybe one more, Here

and the last one is not Here but...


Most of these are pretty cool sites, and if the same website appears on a different link, its on acciedent (which is the opposite of on purpose)!

Hope you like my links, and remember I'll be back bloggin' when I can get my hands on some cool news! So, adieu!

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