Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fire Up Independence Day

Maxwell in the house. What's up home-dawgs. If I'm not clear... tell me. Tell me, dudes. Anyway, today's the 4th of July. Things are awesome especially since yesterday I saw awesome fireworks. One even looked like Mickey Mouse which was really cool. Even though it wasn't Disney World fireworks. The fireworks only lasted for about 15 or 20 minutes or less, but it was still worth it.

Oh, and today I saw my Lakeland Elementary art teacher, Ms. Orange. It is a bit weird that her name's a color and she's an art teacher. I showed her a bit of my summer artwork, like the owl mask I made at Scout Camp, the picture I drew of me and David playing wizards from my school, and my new comic books I'm working on like, Muppet Pirates of the Caribbean, and Mr. Pig.

This is an awesome holiday but not as much as Christmas or Halloween. This Independence Day is so cool. Sam the Eagle, Muppet, would of loved it. But did you know it was the day that we of the United States adopted the Declaration of Independence? This day is known as the national day of the United States.

Now during the American Revolution there was a legal seperation between the American colonies and Great Britain (England) occuring on July 2, 1776 when the Second Continetal Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia in June. After voting for independence, the Congress turned it's attention to Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining the desicion with Thomas Jefferson as the lead author. Soon after revising and debating the statement. They finally approved it on July 4, 1776. Thus by 1791, Independence Day was born.

Wow, a little history lesson never hurt anyone. Hope I celebrate the 4th as much as you may be. Have a great 4th of July. Comment and see ya. Oh, 180 more days till 2010.

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