Monday, August 24, 2009

How to Draw: Pepe the King Prawn - Full Body

Hey, I'm back, again. Last time you saw me, I taught you how to draw the Muppet, Pepe the Prawn. Now I'm going to make a sequel. I'm going to teach you how to draw Pepe, but I'll teach you to draw his whole body.
Now let's start once more and just to assure you, you will need only the supplies you used in the previous post. Continue:

1. Complete the jacket and the shirt, this time, feel free to color them in. 2. Add Pepe's legs and color it in with the same color of his head and neck.

3. Add Pepe's feet and color them in for the last step of all.

Wow, after 12 steps, we have the real Pepe. Thanks to you, the readers. Let's hope that I get more comments over the week. Thank you, again. Unfortunately, it's the end of summer. But, have a great school year anyway. I'll be back to blog for ya'. See ya later.

1 comment:

AndieJ said...

Great artwork, Max! What other cool things have you been working on lately?