Sunday, August 23, 2009

How to Draw: Pepe the King Prawn

Hello, people of the galaxy, lend me your brains. Today I, Max, will show you the reader at home how to draw a Pepe the King Prawn, the wise-cracking Hispanic Muppet I talked about in "Why I Like the Muppets". The reason I'm teaching people how to draw, well, I want to show some of my viewers more of my talents. Besides writing. By the way I'm wondering what I should go as for Halloween, even though it is two months away. I'm thinking either Michael Jackson in Thriller, Beaker, or Fred (YouTube star). Think about it, give me your opinion and comment on it, or you could talk about what you wanna be for Halloween. In other words, comment about anything.

Now to show you how to draw Pepe the Prawn:

Before we start your going to need these supplies, pencil (any kind), crayons and/or colored pencils in orange, tan, white (if you don't have white, leave all whites blank), red, and any two colors of your choice.

1. First, I like to start with round eyes for Pepe, don't add any other features just yet. 2. Next, add pupils, and a peanut-like shape encircling the eyes for the top of the head, then make something along the lines of a bread loaf's height. Don't forget to add his one tooth on the left side.

3. After forming the head, I like to add his hair and antennae next. 4. Once you're done, add the neck and the shoulders.

5. You now need Pepe's jacket down to show the arms. This will be quicker than some steps. 6. Quicker than No. 5, draw Pepe's four hands on Pepe, but remember he has only has three fingers.

7. Now grab a red or dark orange crayon or colored pencil and color over his hair and antennae. 8. For No. 8, get out some light orange or peach color for his face. But don't color his tooth or any of his ordinary two eyes.

9. Last, but surely not least, get two colors of your choice (I prefer light blue and light green. His usual outfit color) and color his jacket and shirt.

So now after 9 steps we have made Pepe the King Prawn.

I'd like to thank all my readers, and pupils for helping Journey to Tennessee get off on it's feet. Thank you! I'll be back to blog for your amusement. Read more of my blog and draw if you want. Keep up on my Journey to Tennessee. Maxwell out...
Again another awkward exit. See ya!

1 comment:

AndieJ said...

Excellent! You're very talented, Max.