Friday, April 17, 2009

Guy's Night Out

It is finally Friday. Mom is gone to the Orpheum, she offered to take tickets for a Ballet Memphis so that means it's a guy's night out. Me and my Dad hanging out till 10:00 or even maybe 12:00. Well, Mom did say 10:00. That may just be the time of her job, more time would mean she's talking forever.

As I was saying, Friday is here. TCAP is over, yes, it's over. Social Studies was the hardest. I'd have to say it's easium*. It was alright. Science was easy, so was Math.
Now, it's not just Grilled Cheese Friday it's a Guy's Day. We're havin' so much fun. I've already played the Monopoly Card Game with him. I won. I knew I would. The last times I've played it with him. I won twice, he won three times. Dad on the other hand is glued to the TV. "Prison Break" is his main thing. I watch it with him because it seems to be my only thing to watch on TV.

Now, I only have like about 30 min. till 10:00. I'm not worried about when Mom will come home. I'm just hoping "Prison Break will end soon. Then, I could play Monopoly the Card Game again with him. And break my record of 3. At least I get to watch the funny commecials in between too. Like, that Kia Soul 2010 Hamster Commecial or the Burger King commercial for the SpongeBob toys that featured a parody "I Like Big Butts (And I Cannot Lie)". You know, "I like Square Butts and I Cannot Lie"

Funny commercial. Anyway, "Prison Break" is over and I get to watch "America's Funniest Home Videos" (AFV). This will be a great day. AFV is for commercials so I have time to say goodbye.
*Easium- the middle of easy and medium

I'm relaxing on the couch ( Upper left)

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