Saturday, April 11, 2009

Journey to Tennessee: Easter Edition

Hey it's me, Max Jessop. Or as they call me on the World Wide Web, I'm back from Missouri. Well, I actually came back on the 11th. It was so cool, me, Kohl, Brynn, Chase, and Kohl's Dad played Guitar Hero: World Tour together. Here are some highlights from the game:

Round 1-
Me Kohl Brynn Chase Dad
27% 49% 24% 57% Didn't Play
Round 2-
57% 98% 36% 21% 100%

Technically, I rocked in 2nd round, 1st: a little suckish. Want more bad news, Kohl was yet again Cinderella or her evil twin brother.

Anyway, I'm working now to get this audition. It's not an open casting call. You've gotta be invited. Miss Carrie is inviting me. The audition is for a stage show variant of the classic, "A Chrismas Story"at the Repertory Theater. I'm auditioning for the role of Flick. Now, if you haven't seen the movie, Flick is the one who gets his tougue stuck on the flagpost.

It was awsome. The night on at home when we came back was good. Me and my dad dyed the Easter eggs. On Easter me, my cousins (Bridgette, Braxton, Myles, Kendall, Samantha, Kylie) had an Easter egg hunt. Not inside, but in my Grandma's house. Why? It's so big you could hide anything in it. I found mine. It was awsome. Before the hunt, at my house I got presents from the Easter Bunny, 3 "Monsters .vs. Aliens" toys from McDonalds, a guitar stand, $2, and Monopoly: The Card Game (which I played and lost to my dad). And now I have to study because of TCAP tomorrow. So I guess I'll see ya' later. I hope. Bye. Adios. Salut. Ciao.
Me and my cousins with thier favorite Easter eggs (top).

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