Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My TCAP Test

My journey here has been awsome from the start. Only, the down sides are pretty small except for this. They call it TCAP.

TCAP is sort of a standardized test only it goes on your permanent record. TCAP stands for Tennessee Comprehensive Assesment Program. Long, huh. Anyway, that is this week. I've already started today at school. Not that hard but that was only Reading & Language Arts. Math is tomorrow and I need to study. There are 77 questions in each section. Some are fun and some were a bit weird.

There was a poem called "Broccoli's Blues" by an anthromorphic peice of broccoli who sings about why nobody eats broccoli. It was written by Beverly McLoughland. A bit ridiculous. But one of my favorites was a magazine article on Fallingwater, the house built partly on a waterfall. The architect was Frank Lloyd Wright.

I liked this TCAP test. Only, before I thought it'd be boring because of my cousin, Braxton's opinion, "I hate TCAP." But it wasn't that bad. I hope I'll say that after Math. Anyway, I'll blog you later. See ya, I'll be blogging on my journey on TCAP.

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