Friday, April 10, 2009

St. Louis Again

It's me, again. And today, I'm going back to St. Louis, MO, for a trip to see my friends and my acting teacher, Ms. Carrie Houk. She's nice.

Anyway, I've done this alot and it'll be so fun. I just hope my friend, Kohl won't do this again.

You, don't wanna know. On the bright side,we're renting a car since ours is running low. The rental car is awsome, it's a Ford Focus.

It'll be me and my mom, dad will stay here in Tennessee. I'm hoping I'll have a great time. Last time, I saw a peregrine falcon.

I will inform you about the trip on the day after Easter. So for now, bye, and I'll be on my journey to Missouri. See ya!

Kohl is a prince-ess (upper right)

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