Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day with the Jessops

Hey, ya. St. Louis was awsome. Unfortunately, since the call to tell us if we got the call back was supposed to be at 9:00. I didn't get a call. Like the Muny, there is just something even better for me.

Yesterday was my dad's All About Women chiropic screening downtown. I had a babysitter for 8 hours. I'm fine with it since my babysitter is Tori, is Kalee McBride's, my mom's couponing friend, daughter. I didn't know her but my mom told me she liked drama and the preformance arts.

We had so much fun. We made stories, we sang songs, we watched YouTube videos. We even went on We also practiced The Underground. Currently we are making a movie, Lights, Cameras, Kanines. It's about a talking dog who runs off to Hollywood to be a big star.

So anyway, it's Mothers's Day. The day deticated to moms all over America, and all the othe places on Earth. So I might as well tell you what mom wants.

  1. Money for a new pair of walking shoes or a purse that she will pick out

  2. Ten new patients at my dad's office

  3. And no going anywhere except church for the day.

Yep, she's had a ruff weekend. So that's what she wants. Also for Mother's Day we sent nana, my grandma, a card. Now she always sends me cards with money in them. Like 1$ bills to like on really big occasions 20$. But this time we put money in the card for her. When she saw it she laughed so hard. Nothing like a little oppositing.

Anyway yesterday was Brandon's, my friend and nieghbor, birthday. So he invited me to the party but we couldn't go because of the babysitting. On the brightside, we got him a cool present, a 4-pack of Expedition brand Tech Decks. Oh, while getting his Tech Decks I got some myself. A 3-pack of Black Label brand Tech Dechs. Chandler will freak out. Or get mad.

So I guess that's my news for today. See ya, and Happy Mother's Day. Only 235 days left.

Me and my mom together (Upper center)

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