Friday, May 1, 2009

It's All Downhill

Hey, Max is here and it is May 1st. Or in Ireland, the first day of Summer, or Beltane. For me, May is the month that's all downhill till Summer Vacation. That's what my mom, and my teacher, Ms. Whitten says. Summer is the the time where I cam play all day, watch the best TV shows, and everything outdoors.

Another thing Summer is for and that is The Underground. I wanna let some ideas on you. Now, 11-year-old Tennessee singer, Brittany Russel from Brittany Russel & the Trunk Monkeys happens to go to my school. Even though she's in the 5th grade I may be able to ask her if she may be able to sing some songs for The Underground. And if you think she's not famous I'mjust going to tell you this. One, she's won a contest from Disney. Two, she's won a songwriting contest here in Tennessee. Three, she met Miley Cyrus. And four, she's already made a CD in O8'. Just letting you know that.

Anyway, back to the subject. It's just 26 days till the last day of school for the Shelby County 2008- 2009 School Year. It's not that long we just have to wait. The best we can do to make it pass by is vote in the 2009 Webby Awards. Beaker's "Ode to Joy" is being nominated, let's just leave it at that. So Spring's almost over let's say goodbye to the songbirds and daisies and say hello to pools and sandcastles. Actually, Memphis doesn't have beaches. So I guess this is all going by fast. I'll just say goodbye and Happy Beltane. Max out.

Max is rockin' his summer (Bottom center)

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