Thursday, May 28, 2009

The First Day

Hey, I am here... On the first day of summer vacation. It was an awesome day... well, uh, almost. It was sort of weird, and somewhat painful, but it all turned out alright.

It all started this morning. My nose was so runny, and I had been blowing it from the time I got downstairs. And by the biggest blow my left ear had sort of felt different from the other ear. Soon it started getting better until we went to my dad's clinic. At his office, I was having a great time having lunch with Mom and Dad to showing the office lady, Lisa, this exact blog you, the reader, are reading right now. The bad news was that dad stretched my ear so far that now it is farther away from my head than the other one. Oh, yeah, now all my ear problems are solved. Not just yet. On the ride home I plugged my ears with my fingers to block a sound. But when I pulled my fingers out it began to hurt on my right ear, the opposite ear from the ear that Dad had stretched. I cried for a while about it but soon it got way better once I blew my nose as advice from Dad.

I had a great first day of summer including the time I went to see my grandma at the hospital. And why is she at the hospital? Awesome question. Well, to start back in 06' or 07' grandma had a stroke, sort of major. She's been recovered from that already, but things got bad for her and my parents when my grandpa, or as I called him, Papa, died in October of last year. Just last month she went out to Dallas, Texas to help her daughter, Cherise, my aunt, with their two new twin babies, Ella and Everett, but while down there she had little minor strokes that led to a giant stroke she had here in Tennessee after she came back. Now she is recovering very well by taking Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Occupational Therapy. It's really fun at the hospital especially because there's a TV in the dining room. The bad part of the TV thing that it only has a limited amount of channels, by that I mean it doesn't have Disney Channel, Disney XD, or Nickelodeon. At least they have the Discovery Channel.

So I've had an awesome day, I want you to have a great summer. Like I said this past month, it's all downhill. But now, we've reached the ground. Have a great summer blog ya' later.
Me in a tree relaxing (upper left).
For more information on the death of Papa, go to my aunt's blog, and try finding the post, Our Beloved Papa.

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